Planning a family trip to San Francisco, where are the best neighborhoods to stay?
We research and recommend hotels for family amenities, but equally important is the surrounding area.
Insider tips about seven neighborhoods on our list of San Francisco family hotels.
Summer 2024: Tips for Visiting US National Parks
Know before you go to US national parks this summer.
On the NPS website, for each park find out about day-use reservations, current road conditions, weather, alerts about fire and air quality, trail conditions, traffic conditions, wildlife safety, and more.
5 Favorite California Hikes with Kids
Here’s five favorite hikes with kids in California, – Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite, Point Reyes in Marin, Red’s Meadow in Mammoth Lakes, Bumpass Hell in Lassen Volcanic National Park, and Fern Canyon in Redwood SP – alpine meadows, panoramic views of the coast, rushing waterfalls, volcanic boiling springs and mudpots, sparkling creeks and ferns in the redwoods.
Read more…San Francisco: 30 Fun things to do with kids in summer
It’s summer in San Francisco!
Best parks, museums, fun food, hikes, free music and kid’s shows, tips, insider secrets (redwood grove, fairy doors, Chinatown lunch and playgrounds, cheapest bay cruise), and more.
Tips for USA family road trips
The United States has such a diverse and glorious landscape, family road trips are a tradition.
Here’s our tips for road trips around the United States, and a relaxing vacation.
Yellowstone & Grand Teton Summer 2024
Planning a family vacation to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks? Find out what facilities are available in each park, fun things to do with kids, tips for where to stay, children’s books and guides about the parks.
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