Take a hike through Glen Canyon Park in central San Francisco.
Hiking through the canyon, noise of the city disappears, replaced with sounds of birds and wind in the trees. Directions for a loop hike, good for kids of all ages, and easily accessible from BART stop.
Fairy Doors in Golden Gate Park
Did you know there are fairy doors in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco?
If you were a fairy, would you want to spend time the park – of course you would!
Here are three fairy doors we’ve located, plus maps, to make it easy to find them.
World of Ice Cream: San Francisco
Here’s Travel for Kids list of favorite San Francisco ice cream shops, organized by neighborhoods.
Have fun tasting familiar and international flavors of ice cream!
Travel Books for Toddlers
Explore the world reading board books with little ones. Spend the day in different continents, discover national parks, ride in a London taxi, celebrate festivals, learn about all kinds of animals and habitats, enjoy fun foods, float on tropical waves, drifting off to sleep.
Read more…Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum
The Boston Tea Party is a famous event of the American Revolution. At Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, kids step aboard a replica ship, toss tea chests into the water, see enactments by live actors and an original tea chest, over 200 years old.
Read more…Saber-toothed cats in Los Angeles
La Brea Tar Pits, one of world’s largest Ice Age fossils sites, is located right in downtown Los Angeles. The Page Museum is a treasure trove of extinct prehistoric animals, life-size animatronic animals, hands on-exhibits, and Ice Age Encounter, with a costumed saber-toothed cat.
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