Planning a trip to Tokyo with kids, you might have questions. We don’t read Japanese, how can we order in restaurants? How do we buy tickets for the subway and get around Tokyo? Not to worry, here’s answers to those questions and more.
Read more…Basho’s banana tree
The great haiku poet Matsuo Basho lived in Edo (Tokyo).
He had a house along the Sumida River, and a banana tree (basho) in his yard.
Visit Basho park in Tokyo, and read haiku childen’s books wherever you are.
Myths & Legends: Real places to visit
This summer, visit real places, associated with myths and legends!
See if you can spot ghosts of two young princes in Tower of London, or find a golden Kannon in Tokyo, King Arthur’s birthplace in Tintangel Castle, ancient Greek city founded by Perseus. and explore Jewish quarter in Prague where Rabbi Loew breathed life into a clay giant.
Tokyo: Samurai and Shogun
Japanese samurai were elite warriors, highly skilled in sword-fighting, archery, and horseback riding. Exploring Tokyo with kids, go up the high hillside where the donjon of Edo Castle once towered over the city, find samurai armor and swords in museums, and visit Sengakuji temple of the Forty-Seven Ronin – samurai who were loyal to their daimyo to the end.
Read more…Tokyo-Edo Fashion
During the Edo period, fashion was very important for both women and men in Japan. Ladies wore exquisite kimonos made of silk and brocade, and elaborate hair styles were adorned with exquisite hair ornaments. In kabuki plays, actors appeared on stage in dazzling costumes. Visiting Tokyo with kids, tips for where find Edo era kimono, costumes and hairstyles.
Read more…Story of the 47 Ronin
One of the most famous samurai stories in Japan is the 47 Ronin, and it took place in Edo (Tokyo). Today kids can see the story unfold with a visit Lord Kira’s residence and the Sengakuji Temple.
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